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Anti-Glare Effect

Gold Mirror

Gold Mirror

8 Layers

Blue Mirror

Blue Mirror

6 Layers

After treated with anti-glare technology, it effectively diminishes glare and also increase focus in the mirrors.

At night the strong beam lights reflected in the side view mirrors by rear cars greatlydistract drivers, especially when the drivers switching lanes. This easily risks the safety of the drivers on the road. 

The mirrors produced by our company have the feature of anti-glare, which diminishes the glare created by the rear cars, having this feature, the drivers can overcome the annoying glare and drive more safely.

Anti-glare essentially involves reducing the reflectivity to achieve an anti-glare effect.
Vacuum electroplating is a direct reflective coating method, in the case of vacuum electroplating for blue and yellow lenses, it is practically impossible to achieve an anti-glare effect without darkening the color. However, the darkened colors lead to poorer nighttime visibility.

On the other hand, nano sol-gel coated white, blue, and yellow lenses are multi-layer coated lenses. The anti-glare property of sol-gel coated lenses is attributed to their multiple thin-film optical characteristics.  When light enters the optical thin film, it will be reflected in different directions at each layer, the layers them selves help eliminate some of the light, ultimately leading to a focused or concentrated light effect.

Anti-Glare Effect
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