ISO 9001 Certified

Discover HSR’s innovative multi-layer nano sol-gel rearview mirrors with superior durability, never faded, Anti-glare and water-repellent coating technology.

With the scientific and technological advances, economic development, and declining production costs, means of private transportation become readily available to more people.
Private vehicles bring convenience and shorten the distance between people i.e. fulfilling the transportation needs.
According to statistics, the number of the registered motor vehicles in Taiwan has exceeded over 17 million.
Every day there are a huge number of motor vehicles on the roads,making traffic order a problem. Traffic accidents are also on the rise.
Safety problems have become an increasing concern for the use ofvehicles.
It is important that a vehicle is equipped with a variety of safetyequipment to ensure the safety of the passengers. Generally,vehicles are equippedwith directional lights, installed on both sides of the motor vehicles at the front and at the rear.
It is originally intended to indicate change of lanes or directions to the vehicles at the rear or to the incoming vehicles.
For drivers travelling next to each other, this configuration is not effective because the drivers are at a “blind spot” and can not see the turning lights.
Many accidents are the result of drivers failing to notice the vehicle next to them was turning or changing lane. To alleviate this problem, we have added LED lights to the rearview mirrors.
This product is called LED rearview mirrors. LED lights are added as additional directional lights for better visibility for the adjacent vehicles.
Our LED rearview mirrors function both as mirror viewing vehicles at the rear and the direction lights to the vehicle next to it.
This device can very effectively reduce the possibility of accidents since the direction of the movement of the vehicle is clearly indicated to the vehicles around it.